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The Fortieth Anniversary Banquet and Dance

of The Zelver Benevolent Association

The images below are captured from a souvenir kept by the late Jack Fried v"g, who kept it as a treasure all of his life. It was discovered among his effects by his niece, Donna Calcaterra, after he passed away.

Here is the cover, and the greetings from the organizing committee:

Inside the program is a very precious collage of photos, in which we have identified most of those pictured. It is possible that other Zelva landsleit, who will see this, may identify others. If so, we ask that they get in touch with us, so we can add the missing names accordingly.

Here are the Greetings from the Leadership:

The various ads for this 'Journal' make a fascinating bit of memorabilia for those family members who recall the participants. It will bring back memories of past business associations, and the way many of the members earned a living.


I note below, the ad placed by my cousins the Melnicks: at this time, 'and son' refers only to their oldest child, Arthur, because his younger siblings, Larry and Judy had not yet been born!